The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) launched a book titled “Pakistan and a World in Disorder: A Grand Strategy For The Twenty-First Century” authored by a seasoned diplomat Ambassador Javid Husain on January 25, 2017. Ambassador Riaz H. Khokhar, former Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Riaz M. Khan, former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador Akram Zaki, former Secretary General were also present at the occasion to express their views on the book. Welcoming the guests, the Chairman Board of Governors (ISSI) Ambassador Khalid Mahmood said that it is an honour for the Institute of Strategic Studies to provide a platform for the launch of this book. Introducing the author, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood said that Ambassador Javid Husain has great experience in both multilateral and bilateral diplomacy and has served in important capitals around the world.
Introducing the book, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood said that the author thinks that Pakistan’s foreign policy suffers from conceptional and operational flaws. The book argues that foreign policy should be integrated with national security and economic policies to formulate a national grand strategy. Secondly, a country should prioritise its internal and external national objectives. Thirdly, that there should be balance between short and long-term objectives. Fourthly, it must be within the reach of resources available to avoid overstretch and that policy should be based on popular support and on a realistic assessment of regional and global environment. It is only after presenting these guidelines that the author proposes to formulate a grand strategy.