Report – In-house meeting with a 4-Member Chinese Delegation from Chinese Council for BRICS Think Tank Cooperation


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted an In-House Meeting with a 4-member Chinese delegation from Chinese Council of BRICS Think Tank Cooperation (CCBTC) on January 3, 2019. The members of the delegation included: Mr. Luan Jianzhang, Secretary General (CCBTC); Mr. Chen Xi, Associate Researcher (CCBTC); Suo Bugu, Staff (CCBTC); Mr. Lijian Zhou, Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Islamabad

Welcoming the delegation, Chairman BOG ISSI, Ambassador (Retd) Khalid Mahmood introduced the members of ISSI participating in the meeting.

Ms. Uroosa Khan, Associate Editor at ISSI’s China-Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC) gave a short introduction of ISSI to the delegation, and briefed them on the activities and research work carried out at the Institute.

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