Report – Public Talk “Darakht-e- Dosti, Epitomizing Pak-Iran Relationship: Celebrating Linguistic Linkages”


The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) held a Roundtable and Exhibition in collaboration with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran -Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies titled Darakht-e-Dosti, Epitomizing Pak-Iran Relationship: Celebrating Linguistic Linkages.

This event was held to commemorate the International Mother language day 2022.

The distinguished speakers included :Mr. Ehsan Khazaei, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan, Dr. Habibollah Azimi, Former Head of the Manuscripts Department of the National Library of Iran; Ambassador Riffat Masood, former Pakistan Ambassador to Iran; Ambassador Asif Durrani, former Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran; Ambassador Abrar Hussain, former ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan; Mrs. Razia Akbar, Assistant Professor, Persian language & Literature, NUML; Dr Muzafar Ali Kashmiri , Professor of Persian language IIU and Dr Qandeel Abbas, Professor QAU.

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