Strategic Studies

Resolution of the Kashmir dispute: way forward Ghulam Nabi Fai
Political and economic impact of nuclear-related sanctions on Iran and its foreign policy options Najam Rafique, Babar Shah
United Kingdom’s Pakistan policy post-9/11 Ishtiaq Ahmad
The Salala incident: implications for the Pakistan-United States ties Ahmad Rashid Malik
Kashmir Intifada 2010: the struggle of the new generation of Kashmiris Mahwish Hafeez
Pakistan and China: cooperation in counter-terrorism Rashid Ahmad Khan
China’s Gwadar and India’s Chahbahar: an analysis of Sino-India geo-strategic and economic competition Zahid Ali Khan
Political reconciliation in Afghanistan: progress, challenges and prospects Zeng Xiangyu, Zhang Chunyan, Zhu Yufan
Ten years of U.S. aid to Pakistan and the post-OBL scenario Mahrukh Khan
Understanding information warfare and its relevance to Pakistan Khurshid Khan
Pakistan’s foreign policy objectives in the post-September 11, 2001 era A. Z. Hilali
Water adds to the importance of Kashmir Shaista Tabbasum
Balochistan: the forgotten frontier Mahrukh Khan