In-House Meeting on “Nuclear and Conventional Force Imbalance: Global and Regional Implications for Conventional Arms Control”


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted an In-House Discussion on June 1, 2016 with Dr. Christine M. Leah, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Grand Strategy Programme, Yale University.The topic of the discussion focused on Nuclear and Conventional Force Imbalance: Global and Regional Implications for Conventional Arms Control.

Dr. Leah has been a Stanton Post-Doctoral Fellow in Nuclear Security at MIT, a visiting faculty at Raja Ratnam School of International Studies, a summer research fellow at RAND and a research intern at IISS in Asia, and at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute IISS London. She has also worked at the French Ministry of Defence and the UNP office of Sir Nicholas Sarkozy. She is the author of “Australia and the Bomb” and has published in Comparative Strategy, the Journal of Strategic Studies, Asian Security, The Australian Journal of International Affairs, The National Interest and Comparative Strategy, The Diplomat, Business Insider and The American Interest.

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