Report – Webinar on “India’s Aggressions Towards its Neighbours: A Threat to Regional Stability”


India Study Centre at Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), organised a webinar titled “India’s Aggressions Towards its Neighbours: A Threat to Regional Stability on June 12, 2020. The occasion was graced by distinguished and seasoned diplomats including Ambassador Riaz Khokhar, Ambassador Zamir Akram, Ambassador Salman Bashir and Maj. Gen (Retd) Dr Shahid Hashmat, who apart from his military career also served as High Commissioner to Sri Lanka. Eminent Academics like Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-e-Azam University, Dr. Moonis Ahmer,  former Meritorious Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Karachi and Dr. Asma Khawaja, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Studies, National Defence University were also present to share their views on this event of great significance.

In his introductory remarks, Dr. Saif Malik, Director India Study Centre highlighted the importance of the topic in view of the changing paradigms in South Asia. He said that since its independence from the colonial rule, India has been continuously extending and devising disputes with all its neighbours. Starting from the illegal annexation of Kashmir to the border disputes with Nepal, from border issues with Bangladesh to the heinous motives of moving troops in Sri Lanka in the guise of Peace Keeping Force, to the designs of impinging Bhutan’s defence and foreign Policy, and last but not the least, the folly of indulging in the recent misadventure in Ladakh, all this reflect trajectories of Indian aggressive designs towards its neighbours. This relentless pursuit to establish its dominance on its neighbours is also a manifestation of the Hindutva ideology that the Indian leadership has adopted lately.

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