Strategic Studies (Vol. 36, Winter 2016, No. 4)



Is China a Revisionist Power: An Analysis Haseeb Bin Aziz
Understanding the Dynamics of National Security Culture of Pakistan


Khurshid Khan and Fouzia Amin
US and Strategic Stability in South Asia: A Pakistani Perspective  Malik Qasim Mustafa
Economic Connectivity: Pakistan, China, West Asia and Central Asia  Mir Sherbaz Khetran
Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue: Risks and Opportunities for Pakistan and India  Shamsa Nawaz
United Nations Security Council Resolutions: Status of the People of Jammu and Kashmir  Tooba Khurshid 
Individual’s Perceptions about the Credibility of Social Media in Pakistan Wajid Zulqarnain and Taimur ul Hassan
Book Reviews
Rocky M. Mirza, How the West was Won and Lost: Athenian Democracy to the BRICS: 5th Century BCE to 2016 (Trafford Publishing, USA & Canada, 2016), 613. Najam Rafique


Noah Coburn, Losing Afghanistan: (Stanford University Press, California, 2016), 246. Amina Khan
Moazzam Husain, Putting Pakistan Right: Standpoints on the War on Terror, Energy, Transit Corridors & Economic Development (USA: Moazzam Husain, 2016), 217. Asadullah Khan


Peter Nadin, Patrick Cammaret and Vesselin Popovski, Spoiler Groups and UN Peacekeeping (London: The International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), 2015), 148. Ahmad Naeem Salik
Joachim Krause and Charles King Mallory IV eds., Afghanistan, Pakistan and Strategic Change: Adjusting Western Regional Policy (London and New York: Routledge, 2015), 336. Arhama Siddiqa