The A. Q. Khan Network: Causes and Implications. Great Britain: Amazon, 2016.


In 1974, when India conducted its so called Peaceful Nuclear Explosion (PNE), Pakistan’s threat perception vis-à-vis India increased manifold. Pakistan’s desire to counter India by developing its own nuclear weapons gained a new momentum when Dr. Khan returned from Europe. He not only laid down the foundation of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme but also accelerated his efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Finally, in May 1998, Dr. Khan quickly enabled Pakistan to match the Indian nuclear tests. However, after the 9/11 events, the international community’s suspicion started to grow over Pakistan, specifically over Dr. Khan for running a nuclear black market and providing nuclear weapons know-how to the “Axis of Evil” courtiers, namely Iran, North Korea and other Middle Eastern states. When in February 2004, Dr. Khan made his confession that what he did was it at his own behest; Pakistani government pardoned him because of his contribution towards Pakistan’s national security. Pakistan also vowed to stand firm against any future proliferation. However, this provided an opportunity to the international community and foes of Pakistan to point fingers over control and security of its nuclear weapons. Since then, Pakistan has made tremendous efforts and earned the repute of a responsible nuclear weapons state by safeguarding its nuclear assets, developing a robust command and control structure and strengthening of its exports control laws. Despite Pakistan’s relentless efforts in the nuclear safety and security domain, propaganda against Pakistan nuclear programme is never ending.

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