Issue Brief on “Indian Chronicles : An Eye Opener for the World Community”


India’s desire to malign and isolate Pakistan is no more a secret and therefore, statements like “We will isolate you. I will work for that,”[1] or India will ensure “complete isolation” of Pakistan[2] do not come as a surprise anymore. But what comes as a surprise is the extent of recourses and time used to achieve this objective as has been exposed by recently released report “Indian Chronicles” by Brussels based reputed NGO EU Disinfo Lab.

The Indian Chronicles is a follow up to a report that was released in November 2019 which had unearthed 265 local media outlets in more than 65 countries busy in furthering Indian interests.[3] The current report which has been named as “Indian Chronicles” is a further and deeper investigation and has exposed a 15 year long campaign to harm Pakistan’s interests and spread India’s narrative in every corner of the world.

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