A 3 Member Delegation from the ISSI proceeded to China


A three member delegation from the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI), headed by Ambassador (Retired) Khalid Mahmood, Chairman ISSI, proceeded to China for the 2014 bilateral meeting with the China Institute for International Strategic Studies (CIISS). The  CIISS is a civilian academic organization that specializes in the study of international strategic issues. The purpose of the visit was to revive the bilateral dialogue between both institutions. Senior members of the CIISS, headed by  Li Jie, Executive Secretary General attended the meeting. During the meeting issues of mutual interest and regional security as well as relations with India, Afghanistan  and the  U.S. were deliberated upon. The delegation also held a meeting with senior members of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign affairs in Beijing.

The delegation also paid a visit to Guilin.





