Panel Discussion “Conversations on the Afghan Peace Process: China’s Role in Afghanistan”
Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA)Panel Discussion"Conversations on the Afghan Peace Process: China’s Role in Afghanistan"October 8, 2021
Inauguration of Centre for Middle East & Africa (CMEA)
The Institute host the Inauguration of Centre for Middle East & Africa (CMEA) at ISSI on October 15, 2020 at 1800 hrs
Webinar on “Pak-Afghan Economic Ties: Opening New Vistas”
The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at the
Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) will be organizing a Webinar
Pak-Afghan Economic Ties: Opening New Vistas
November 14,...
Celebrating Africa Day
The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) which falls under the purview of the...
In-House Meeting with a five-member Iranian Delegation
The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) will have an In-House Meeting with a...
Webinar on “Kashmir & Palestine: The destruction of indigenous cultural heritage”
Centre for Middle East & Africa (CMEA) in collaboration with Middle East Monitor (MEMO)invites you to a Webinar“Kashmir & Palestine: The destruction of indigenous cultural...
Public Talk by Ustad Karim Khalili, Leader of Hezb-e-Wahadat-e Islami
Public Talk by Ustad Karim Khalili, Leader of Hezb-e-Wahadat-e Islami, Afghanistan January 13, 2021 at 1000 hrs
Webinar on “The Role of China in the Middle East & Africa”
Centre for Middle East & Africa (CMEA) Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI)
WebinarThe Role of China in the Middle East & AfricaNovember 26, 2020...
Panel Discussion on “Palestine Under Siege”
Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) Panel Discussion "Palestine Under Siege" May 21, 2021at 1500 hrs (Pakistan Standard Time)...
Book Launch “Return of the Taliban: International & Regional Perspectives”
The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA)
Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI)
Book Launch
"Return of the Taliban: International & Regional Perspectives".
August 28,...