Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Issue Brief on “Kashmir Conflict and Relevance of UNSC Resolutions”

The myth - so religiously peddled by India that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions on Kashmir are no more relevant was once...

Issue Brief on “A Snapshot of Elections in Iran 2024”

On July 30, 2024, Dr. Masood Pezeshkian, former health Minister, will assume office as the 9th President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He...

Issue Brief on “Elusive Peace: One year of the US-Taliban Peace Agreement”

The end of February 2021 marked one year of the US-Taliban peace agreement signed in February 2020 in Doha. This was the most recent major attempt...

Issue Brief on “FATF’s Verdict on Pakistan: Signs of Cautious Optimism and Persistent Action”

On 23 October, 2020 the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) released its verdict on the current status of Pakistan. Acknowledging Pakistan’s progress across all...

Issue Brief on “The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene”

The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP)  Human Development Report 2020 titled, “The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene” brings a new dimension in...

Climate Literacy and UN Peacekeepers: Implications for Peace and Stability

Abstract This article examines the role of UN peacekeepers in creating awareness about the effects of climate change and establishes links with national security policy making process...

Report – Web Panel Discussion on “Future Directions of Pakistan-US Relations Post US Elections...

The Centre for Strategic Perspective (CSP) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized a web panel discussion on “Future Directions of Pakistan-US...

China: ‘Rising Threat’ or ‘Rising Peace’

Abstract ‘China threat’ as a western foreign policy orientation and ‘Peaceful rise’ which later became ‘Peaceful development’ concept of Hu Jintao administration is debated...

Issue Brief on “President Putin’s Visit to India – Key Takeaways”

On December 06, 2021, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to India for the 21st leg of India-Russia summit, amid increasing Indo-US...

Report – Panel Discussion on “The Next Chapter for Afghanistan”

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) had a Panel Discussion titled The Next Chapter for Afghanistan...