Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Trump Administration’s Strategic Perspective about CPEC

Abstract The American geopolitical analysts perceive the steady rise of China as a strategic competitor and challenger to the United States’ sole superpower stature in...

The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia, Masha Gessen, New York: Riverhead Books,...

In the West, Russia has always been a topic of intense debate but Putin’s leadership raised more questions all across the western capitals. In presidency, his apparent...

Hindu Nationalism in India: Ideology and Politics, Chakrabarty, Jha. Routledge New York, 2020, 289.

The latest addition to the Routledge series on South Asian studies, “Hindu Nationalism in India Ideology and Politics” is the eighth book of the...

The Line of Control, Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies, Jacob, Happymon. India:...

Written by Happymon Jacob, The Line of Control ─ Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies is a unique book in many ways. Associate...

Soft Power in the Foreign Policy of Pakistan: Prospects and Potentials

Abstract Transition and diffusion of power are changing the political context and have made soft power more relevant than ever. The Government of Pakistan has...

Missile Race in South Asia: Security Challenges for Pakistan in the 21st Century

Abstract The article assesses the nature of missile competition between India and Pakistan and how it impacts deterrence and strategic stability in South Asia. It...

Perception and Reality of Pakistan’s India Centric Foreign Policy

Abstract Since 1947, Indo-Pak hostility and the consequent Kabul-New Delhi bonhomie have been a recurrent feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Being located at an advantageous...

Strategic Human Resource Development: Investing in Balochistan’s Blue Economy

Abstract Human resource development falls under a state’s primary responsibilities. Educated and skilled human resources are not only an asset but also a prerequisite to...

Authoritative Populism and the Media: Perception Control and Narrative Building in India

Abstract The article analyses the interrelationship between authoritarian populism and the media in India. It explores the core question of political authoritarianism under the rule...

Sino-US Trade War: Foreseeable Impact on Pakistan

Abstract Two major players in the world economic order – the US and China – are entangled in a foreseeably long and highly competitive trade...