Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Trump Administration’s Strategic Perspective about CPEC

Abstract The American geopolitical analysts perceive the steady rise of China as a strategic competitor and challenger to the United States’ sole superpower stature in...

The ‘Petrocurrency’ Determinants in Growing Sino-US Confrontation: Implication for South Asia

Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify the areas where China’s internationally rising monetary and petrocurrency influence is likely to conflict with the...

Age of Demagoguery and Surveillance Capitalism: A Case Study of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Abstract Using the theoretical framework of surveillance capitalism, this paper analyses the election campaigns of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of India during the 2014 and...

Climate Literacy and UN Peacekeepers: Implications for Peace and Stability

Abstract This article examines the role of UN peacekeepers in creating awareness about the effects of climate change and establishes links with national security policy making process...

Soft Power in the Foreign Policy of Pakistan: Prospects and Potentials

Abstract Transition and diffusion of power are changing the political context and have made soft power more relevant than ever. The Government of Pakistan has...

Strategic Significance of Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward

Abstract Since its very inception Pakistan has been facing multiple strategic, diplomatic and economic challenges. With a significant strategic position Pakistan is situated at the...

Pakistan-US Relations: Rethinking the Dependency Relationship

Abstract The relations between Pakistan and the US have always remained asymmetrical – in nature akin to any such bilateralism where one country, given its...

Monetisation of Fake News in the Cyber Domain: A Roadmap for Building Domestic and...

Abstract The online domain has witnessed the proliferation of fake news in the past few years all over the world. This overwhelming amount of (dis)information...

Managing the Geopolitical Competition between China and India: Sri Lanka’s Strategic Balancing Act

Abstract The competition between India and China has intensified with the changes in the strategic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region. Both countries with their growing...

Media Discourse on the Kashmir Conflict after Abrogation of Article 370

Abstract The study tries to unfold how the Kashmir conflict is constructed in the Pakistani media after the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian...