Harsh V. Pant and Yogesh Joshi, The US Pivot and Indian Foreign Policy: Asia’s Evolving Balance of Power (Houndmills:Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 154.


The book revolves around the theme of rise of China and the relative decline in the US power causing transition of power in international politics. It centers on the assertion that “Facing an assertive China in the Asia-Pacific, US President Barack Obama announced in late 2011 his strategy of pivoting toward the region” (vii). This policy is essentially aimed at balancing China’s growing power in the region and India is an important component of it. In the light of this assumption the book examines India’s foreign policy responses when faced with a changing balance of power in the region. It also looks at how India perceives China’s growing military and economic power as a strategic challenge. The book argues that rather than just endorsing the pivot, Indian foreign policy has shown signs of pursuing a three-pronged hedging strategy i.e. developing a close relationship with the US, trying to stabilize relations with China, and forging a more localized form of balancing by increasing its defense partnerships with other regional powers.

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