Issue Brief on “Falcon Talon 2022”


For the first time in three years, Pakistan and United States Air Forces held a joint exercise, under the title of ‘Falcon Talon 2022,’ an Agile Combat Employment operation at Pakistan Operational Air Force Base from February 26 till March 4, 2022. The joint exercise event was the fourth in line, with previous exercises held in 2019, 2011, and 2009.  The exercise was also marked the Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central)’s first major training event in Pakistan since 2019. The main aim of the exercise was to promote and advance Pakistan and US cooperation on issues of mutual security in the region.  US Chargé d’affaires Angela P. Aggeler and visiting Director of Exercises and Engagements at US Central Command (CENTCOM) Major General Steven deMilliano were also part of the closing ceremony of the joint exercise.

During the closing ceremony US Chargé de Aggeler highlighted the importance of the exercise and its timeliness and congratulated and thanked members of the US Air Force to Pakistan and highlighted that through exercises like Falcon Talon 2022, both Islamabad and D.C are able to sustain a partnership that helps build regional peace, security, and stability with a shared understanding of threats and means to mitigate them.[1]

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