Issue Brief on “Joint Anti-Terrorist Exercise 2021 between China and Pakistan”


The Joint Anti-Terrorist Exercise (JATE) 2021 between People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China and Pakistan army began in September 21, at the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) in Pabbi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The two weeks long training ended on October 4.[1] The main agenda of the JATE training was to build up capacities for collectively combating international terrorism, militancy, extremism, share innovative approaches and practice decisive rapid response in a crisis situation.[2] This was the first military exercise conducted in Pakistan under the ambit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)- Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS). The main focus of the RATS is  on maintaining a working relationship with relevant institutions of the member states of SCO in order to tackle counter terrorism and extremism.[3] The members are also striving to assist each other in planning and preparation of counter terrorism exercises.[4]

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