Issue Brief on “Rising Sea Level Threatens Pakistan’s Blue Economy”


Pakistan faces various climate change threats with its coastal region being the most vulnerable area in the country. Pakistan is constantly ranked among the top ten countries most exposed to these risks, one of which is rising sea levels. [1] Rising sea levels predominantly influenced by global warming, driven by melting ice caps, glaciers, and the thermal expansion of seawater, are putting Pakistan’s Blue Economy at risk. A few millimetres of rise in sea level per year is not that alarming in the short term, but in the longer run, it has a deep impact on blue resources. The Blue Economy which encompasses a wide range of economic activities that utilize resources from the ocean and other bodies of water is vital for Pakistan’s long-term economic growth. However, the rising sea level, mainly driven by climate change which destroys the coastal infrastructure, livelihood, and ecosystem, is directly posing a challenge to Pakistan’s Blue Economy sector.

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