Issue Brief on “Shaheed Syed Ali Shah Geelani: An Ovation”


After relentlessly struggling and fighting against the Indian occupying forces for more than half a century, on the night of September 1, 2021, the veteran Kashmiri freedom movement leader and former chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Syed Ali Shah Geelani passed away at his home in Srinagar, Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He was almost 92 years old.[1] As per his wishes, his body was wrapped in the Pakistan flag, which unnecessarily infuriated occupying Indian forces. His family was arrested, his body was snatched and desecrated by the Indian forces and buried without proper Muslim rituals. Soon after that, pre-empting the reaction of the people, the occupying forces locked down the entire IIOJK and especially mosques were targeted.[2] The people of IIOJK suffered and are still suffering the inhumane treatment by the occupying Indian forces, since its illegal and immoral occupation by the Republic of India in 1948. However, the Indian atrocities have accentuated such horrific acts under the premiership of right-wing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the mayhem has surpassed the brutal tactics of Nazi Germany. A few days after the recent episode of Indian viciousness, Pakistan requested the United Nations (UN) to conduct an impartial but immediate UN investigation into the custodial killing” of Shaheed Geelani.[3] Previously, he was awarded Nishan-e-Pakistan by the Government of Pakistan for his unparalleled  services for the people of IIOJK.

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