Issue Brief on “Trump’s Impeachment”


In a turn of events, the United States Senate cleared Donald Trump of the charges that he was held accountable for, making him the third US president to have been acquitted. The impeachment saga ended on February 5, 2020 with a 52-48 vote in the Senate that found Trump not guilty of the charges that were laid against him for the abuse of his power of office, while 53-47 votes in the Senate acquitted him on the charge of obstruction of Congress.[1] President Trump was impeached on December 18, 2019 by the Democrat dominated House of Representatives. After days of exhausting all arguments, the defense of Trump’s impeachment trial began; the third presidential impeachment in America’s history. Before Donald Trump, two US presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton went through the impeachment trial, but neither of them was removed from the White House. President Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment trial following the Watergate scandal.

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