Issue Brief on “United States – Coping With Covid-19: Challenges and Response”


The United States declared a national emergency two months ago to tackle the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic which has taken the world by a storm. The virus that was initially downplayed and mocked by President Trump has hit the US more strongly than any other country and has become a test case for President Trump in this election year.

Current Status The death toll due to the virus in the US has cost more than 90,000 lives with 1,556,603 confirmed cases in the US as of May 21.[1] The pandemic has caused chaos at all levels and has resulted in significant economic crisis with an ever-increasing unemployment rate. Trump administration’s response remains that of confusion, denial, and mixed messages. President Trump and his administration’s initial response to the virus was nothing more than statements and point-scoring. The denial of the intensity of the virus only paved the way for more layers of dysfunctional responses. The Trump administration was notified of the severity of the outbreak by the US agencies as early as January 3, 2020;[2] yet the alarm was taken lightly as harmless flu and not as an immediate threat. 

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