Report – Public Talk on “China-Pakistan COVID-19 Cooperation”


China-Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a Public Talk by Major General Dr. Aamer Ikram, Executive Director National Institute of Health (ED NIH) on April 1, 2021. Members of the audience included policy makers, diplomats, academics and students.

Dr. Talat Shabbir, Director CPSC welcomed the distinguished speaker and the guests. In his remarks he said that as the “coronavirus pandemic kept spreading; countries realized that it is an extremely serious threat and cooperation was required to contain it”. He noted that, many countries have benefitted from Chinese experience in combating the coronavirus. He underscored China’s support to Pakistan in the fight against pandemic and noted it has solidified the bond between the two countries. An example of this, Dr. Shabbir highlighted was continued “development activities under CPEC, despite difficult circumstances.” Dr. Shabbir, then handed over the floor to distinguished speaker, Major General Dr. Aamer Ikram and invited him to deliver his talk.

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