Report – Public Talk on “Pakistan-China Relations and Next Phase of CPEC”


China-Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a Public Talk on ‘Pakistan-China Relations and Next Phase of CPEC’ under the Ambassadors’ Platform Series on February 20, 2020. H.E. Mr. Yao Jing, Ambassador, People’s Republic of China to Pakistan delivered the talk which attracted a large turnout. Members of the audience included policy makers, diplomats, academics and students.

Director China-Pakistan Study Centre, Dr. Talat Shabbir welcomed Ambassador Yao Jing and the guests. He requested the audience to join him in expressing solidarity with the people and Government of China who were going through testing times in face of the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus. Acknowledging the efforts made by Chinese authorities to deal with this challenge, he stated that China will come out stronger and continue playing its positive role in regional and global affairs.   He added that CPEC is a mega-initiative for both countries, and which has helped Pakistan transform while attaining sustainable growth.

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