Report – Webinar “Taliban in Power – A Year On”


The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) in collaboration with the Institute of War and Peace Studies (IWPS), Kabul hosted a webinar titled “Taliban in Power – A Year On”. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Amina Khan, Director CAMEA. The speakers at the webinar included Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI, Ms. Nargis Nehan, Former Afghan Politician, Sardar Ahmad Shakeeb, Charge d’Affairs/ Minister Counselor, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Lotfullah Najafizada, Co-Founder and Senior Journalist at Amu TV, Mr Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and Dr. Mandana Tisheyar, Department of Regional Studies, ECO College, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran.

The concluding remarks were given by Mr. Tamim Asey, Founder & Executive Chairman of the Institute of War and Peace Studies (IWPS), Kabul.

During her welcome remarks, Ms Amina Khan stated that August 15, 2022, will mark one year since the Taliban dispensation assumed power.  While, initially, there were certain questions as to what the Taliban’s rule will mean for governance, political freedom, human/women’s rights, counter-terrorism assurances, or regional peace and stability, the past year has somewhat set the tone and is an indication of how the group intends to govern the country. Even within the confines of the current interim setup, the real test for the Taliban is by no means limited to securing power but revolves around legitimacy, acceptance, performance and of course recognition. She said that this is a unique and unprecedented opportunity for Afghans to come together and focus on a state and government that serves the Afghan people who have suffered immensely. While Afghanistan is a shared responsibility that warrants a collective response, all stakeholders must deliver on their respective parts.

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