Strategic Studies (Vol. 37, Spring 2017, No. 1)

Pak-Afghan Relations (2001-2017): A Prisoner’s Dilemma Analysis Tehseena Usman and Minhas Majeed Khan
Nuclear Arms Race in South Asia: Pakistan’s Quest for Security Ghazala Yasmin Jalil
Protracted Afghan Refugee Situation: Policy Options for Pakistan Amina Khan
The Pakistan-China Bilateral Trade: The Future Trajectory Ahmad Rashid Malik
Women in Security Policy-making: A Case Study of Pakistan Asma Shakir Khawaja
Reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan Arhama Siddiqa
Book Reviews
Pakistan and a World in Disorder — A Grand Strategy for the Twenty-first Century by Javid Husain, Palgrave Macmillan (2016) Mahwish Hafeez
The Obama Doctrine in the Americas edited by Hanna S. Kassab and Jonathan D. Rosen, Lexington Books (2016) Sarah Akram


ISIS: The Face of Terrorism: A Threat We Can’t Ignore by Arun Mittal, First Editon, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (2016) Ahmad Saffee
China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know by Arthur R. Kroeber, Oxford University Press (2016) Ume Farwa