The Ambiguous Foreign Policy of the United States toward the Muslim World: More than a Handshake. Oualaalou, David S. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016


Undeniably, history of the Middle East consists of social upheavals, tribal tensions, diplomatic challenges, bloody wars and economic opportunities. Consequently, history of the Middle East testifies to the struggles of conquerors and decline of empires, continuing Arab-Israel conflict and the current rise of terrorism. Such challenges made the region politically and socially unstable and an unpredictable region, which represents many security challenges.

In Ambiguous Foreign Policy of the United States toward the Muslim World, the global affairs analyst David S. Oualaalou, looks into an account of the US foreign policy in the Middle East over the past six years. The book is divided into eight chapters. The common theme of these chapters is the foreign policy of the US in the region.

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