
If you are looking to invest your time wisely with the intention of acquiring knowledge, you can never go wrong with a book. This has been the guiding principle which has steered not only my professional career but has also prompted me to author a book. The ISSI’s quest for knowledge based on incisive research makes up the very foundation of this edited book project, ’The Covid Challenge: Impact on Middle East & Africa’ being undertaken by the Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at ISSI. The book is the first of the four edited books that will come out this year from the Centres of Excellence at ISSI. The idea behind this book is to connect with the present and chart lessons for the future in such testing times.

Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 pandemic has caught us off guard and unprepared for the devastation and uncertainty that it has unleashed since the first reported case in December 2019. However, in its wake, it has also brought opportunities and impacted the manner in which we interact with each other. We, at the CAMEA have zoomed onto how this virus has impacted two vast and dynamic regions of the world. The fruits of this labour are now being presented in the form of this book, edited by Amina Khan, Director CAMEA. The book contains unique perspectives from 15 competent authors residing in different parts of the world, who share their inimitable experiences on how to deal with the common challenges like Covid-19.

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