The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight against Terrorism from Al Qa’eda to ISIS. Micheal Morell and Bill Halow. New York Boston: Twelve Publishers, 2015. Pp. 362.


The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight against Terrorism from Al Qa’eda to ISIS. Micheal Morell and Bill Halow. New York Boston: Twelve Publishers, 2015. Pp. 362.

Mahrukh Khan

Micheal Morell in his new book titled The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight against Terrorism from Al Qa’eda to ISIS presents an insight into the world of CIA operations. The book categorises CIA as one of the few organisations, which were directly affected by the rise of terrorism in the 21st century. The book, as it states in the beginning, has been reviewed by the CIA to prevent any disclosure of classified information. The booka’s narrative revolves around the terrorist threats the US has faced from al Qaeda to the rise of ISIS. Micheal Morell is perhaps the best authority to write on the subject since he has not only served with President Bush, and that too at the time of 9/11 attacks, but was also involved in the operation which led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden in 2011.

In his book, Micheal Morell pens down an appraisal of the CIA operations in the past two decades. He narrates that al Qaeda poses an undeniable threat to the US and the world at large; however, it does not end with it as the rising threat of ISIS has opened an all new arena for the CIA. The author divides the threats posed to the US in two categories: first and foremost, the threat posed by transnational terrorism, which equally threatens all Americans; and second, the threat posed by the major rising powers, like China and Russia, and rogue nations like Iraq and North Korea.

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