Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Comment-All That Glitters Is Not Democracy

" Democracy is preferable to all other systems    of government known to human history, and it      should be flourished" Democracy is not a...

Comment-The Sino-Japanese Normalization

"Kakuei Tanaka is credited with being the pioneer of dialogue with the Middle Kingdom. There is a lesson here for today’s leaders"  Today marks the...

Comment-The Indo-Japanese Growing Bonds

Japan now totally pulls India’s lines on geo-strategic matters and commercial interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The two nations are too close now giving...

Comment-Pax Sinica

" Chinese are not creating a dividing-line between themselves and the rest of the Asians.  They are combining for a win-win for all." With the rise...

Comment-Rohingya Genocide

 A crime against humanity is taking place. Rohingya, an ethnic Muslim minority, mostly habited for centuries in the Rakhine State of Myanmar (formerly Burma)...

Comment-Trump’s Tough Language

President Donald Trump made an attention grabbing statement on 22 August while addressing the American nation in Washington. “Pakistan has also sheltered the same...

Comment – Transparency of CPEC projects

The CPEC projects are not promoting corruption in Pakistan. They are clean, spotless, full transparency, honesty, and sincerity. They are transparent as there exists...

Comment – BRICS Declaration and Indian Media

A three-day BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit of five big emerging economies was held in the south-eastern Chinese city of...

Comment – Disengaging from Afghanistan

President Donald Trump’s statement that Pakistan has been harbouring terrorists on its soil, created much nationalistic hype in Pakistan. Diplomatic contacts have reached their...