Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Comment-Trump Visits China

U.S. President Donald Trump has been warming up ties with China . As part of the third leg of his 12-day marathon Asian tour,...

Comment- What Trump Gained in Japan?

U.S. President Donald Trump undertook his Asian tour of five countries namely; Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines that was commenced on...

Comment-Long Live China’s Revolutionary Zeal

" Over the last 30 years alone, China has lifted more than 700 million out of poverty; with the remaining 40 million to be...

Comment-India’s Isolation on the Belt and Road Increases

India has not been persuasive in mustering support of countries against China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India boycotted a major moot on the...

Comment-Belt and Road Initiative Deconstructed

" Other than India, hardly any nation opposes China’s Belt and Road Initiative "  At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China...

Comment-Abe’s Resounding Victory

 Japanese voters have a keen sense of democracy and they are extremely matured as the country is the oldest democracy in Asia. Parliamentary democracy...

Comment-America Opposes CPEC

 The rift between the United States and China would invariably increase during the Trump Administration. So are ties between Pakistan and the US. On...

Comment-The Flagging Chinese Leverage on North Korea

 " How the Hermit Kingdom Can Be Changed " President Donald Trump has ordered the US army to ‘stand ready’ for the fight against...

Comment-Deepening Pak-Japan Ties

Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Kazuyuki Yamazaki, headed the Japanese delegation to Pakistan on 3 October to participate at the 10th...

Comment – All is Illuminating and Revealing: Beijing-Tokyo Warming Up Ties

The 45th anniversary of the China-Japan diplomatic opening made a great comeback this year. A full-fledged rapprochement between the two nations is in the...