Islamabad Paper on The Big Idea: Next Generation of Leadership in Pakistan Needs a...
In memory of the fallen of December 16, 2014. This paper is dedicated to the Future Generations of Pakistan.
The worldview of Pakistan over the...
Climate Change: Impacts and Security Implications for Pakistan
Climate Change is widely acknowledged as the defining challenge of our age facing humankind with profound global environmental, socio-economic and security implications. The international...
Filling the Missing Gaps in the Indus Water Treaty
1. Introduction
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India share a complex historical relationship. Apart from a common border, centuries of history...
Islamabad Paper on An Analysis of Religious Freedom and Democracy in Pakistan Under International...
Religious element is a critical component of political and social stability and security worldwide. With the increasing interplay between religion and politics, international affairs...
Islamabad Paper on Pakistan-Afghanistan Cooperation on Trade
The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the sponsors or of the organizations whose reports have...
Islamabad Paper on NSG Membership of Non-NPT States
Criteria/NPT Equivalence Debate: Merits of the Indian Application
The recent Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership applications by India and Pakistan have focused attention on criteria...
Islamabad Paper on Pakistan’s Export Control Regime
Proliferation of the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)-related know-how and associated technology has long been an international concern. To address these proliferation concerns, the...
Islamabad Paper on Revisiting Islam in Japan
To present an accurate picture of Islam in Japan is an arduous task. There is a variety of aspects such as cultural, social, strategic...
Implications of the Use of Drones on the Notion of State Sovereignty
Lydia de Beer defines drone or Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) as a “powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces...
Strategic Decision Making: Pakistan’s Support to the US War on Terror
The decision by the Pakistani leadership to unconditionally support the US in their war on terror after the 9/11 attacks has had long-term consequences....