Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Issue Brief on “SAARC and its Significance for Regional Cooperation”

The lack of cooperation among South Asian states is probably the biggest obstacle that hinders the region’s ability to prosper. There is a need...

Issue Brief on “The Rise of Japan”

Looking at Japan from an economic perspective, people often wonder how Japan was completely defeated by the United States in World War II but...

Issue brief on “Pakistan: A Global Turnaround Story”

Some of the critical issues like terrorism, political instability and low economic profile clouded the prospects of progress for Pakistan. But Pakistan, despite being...

Issue Brief on “Resolution of Kashmir Issue: A Key to Indo-Pak Relations”

Bilateral relations between India and Pakistan have always been subject to hurdles and turmoil. At the heart of these turbulent relations, Kashmir has been...

Issue Brief on “Gawadar and Chabahar: Implications for the Region”

Gawadar and Chabahar have unique geostrategic and geopolitical features and should ideally develop as sister ports. Both ports are situated near the Strait of...

Issue Brief on “UN Peacekeeping Missions: Pakistan’s Soft Power”

Joseph S. Nye, in his article published in Foreign Policy in Feb 2006, argued that military power is a hard power asset but the...

Issue Brief on “Fresh Tensions in Pakistan-US Relations: The F-16 Conundrum”

The relations between Pakistan and the USA have gone through several troublesome phases. The matter of the purchase of eight F-16 fighter jets from...

Issue Brief on “De-radicalisation of Youth through Education”

The Pakistani state and society have been affected immensely by the menace of terrorism and one of its concomitant is radicalisation. The country’s tolerant...

CPEC: Prospects for Pak-Iran economic relations

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is rapidly becoming a source of national integration, economic prosperity and regional stability. The corridor is poised to play...

Issue Brief on “Soft Power and Knowledge Economy”

A few years ago, America’s decline became a topic of an intense debate among scholars of international relations. Fareed Zakaria challenged the assumption that...