Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Issue Brief on “Russian De-Ratification of CTBT: Resumption of Nuclear Testing on the Horizon?”

The threat of a new nuclear arms race and the resumption of nuclear testing by major powers have been looming over the horizon. Along...

Issue Brief on “Drones: The New Frontier in Geopolitical Arena”

The dynamics of battlefields have been revolutionized with the advent of highly sophisticated military drones. The last five years have witnessed four significant interstate...

Issue Brief on “Analyzing Discrepancies in U.S. Media Coverage of Russian and Israeli Invasions”

The conflict in Gaza has become a focal point for public discourse on all media platforms. Individuals, driven by their perceptions, are actively engaging...

Issue Brief on “UN Climate Action: Promises vs. Reality”

Climate change is the leading environmental concern for the global community today. The way scientists and policymakers define global environmental problems is complex, ranging...

Issue Brief on “The Politicization of the UN by P-5”

Introduction The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) plays a key role in global diplomacy, with responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. At the core...

Issue Brief on “Artificial Intelligence for Flood Prediction and Management: Lessons for Pakistan”

Pakistan is being ravaged by the worst floods in recent history - attributed to the growing dangers of climate catastrophe. One-third of a developing...

Issue Brief on “Floods in Pakistan”

Natural disasters and Climate Change pose a severe threat to the world and Pakistan is no exception. For years, the country has been plagued...

Issue Brief on “Confucius Institutes Shaping China’s Soft Power”

After the Cold War, soft power became an essential tool for states to move forward in the complex geopolitical landscape of an anarchic world....

Issue Brief on “US-China Strategic Competition”

The term Indo-Pacific (IP) was first coined by a German geopolitical scholar Karl Haushofer, who used it in his work ‘Indopazifischen Raum’ in 1920....

Issue Brief on “CPEC: Capacity Building for Employment and Industrial Growth”

Investments in capacity building along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) hold significant potential to drive economic growth in both countries. Capacity development, which includes...