Issue Brief on “Ethical Challenges of LAWS and the Role of the UN”


The first entry of LAWS, into the United Nations (UN) deliberations was in 2014, where the then Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon expressed his concerns about the potential development of lethal autonomous robots and the risks related to its proliferation.[1] In 2016 the UN General Assembly (UNGA) established a Group of Governmental Experts[2] (GGE) on LAWS[3] that convenes annually to deliberate on the matter to explore the technical, ethical, and legal implications of the technology, human element in the use of force, potential military applications, and humanitarian and security challenges.[4]

In 2021 a two-track approach was proposed by France and Germany in the GGE laws later re-submitted and joined by other like-minded states in 2022. The idea of the approach was to structure the debate on two levels; prohibition on certain kinds of LAWS, and regulating those kinds of LAWS that cannot be prohibited.[5]

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