Looking West:China and Central Asia, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (Washington: United States-China Economic and Security Commission, 2015), 173.


Looking West: China and Central Asia is a US Congressional hearing done in March 2015. Experts on Central Asia were invited to solicit their opinion on the subject. They included: Dr Marlene Laruelle, Eliot School of International Affairs, Dr S. Frederick Starr, Chairman Centeral Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Programmeme Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University, Raffaello Pantucci, Director Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, Dr Alexander Cooley, Professor Political Science, Columbia University, Dr Sebastien Peyrouse, Research Professor of International Affairs George Washington University, Dr Erica Downs, Senior Analyst Eurasia Group, Dr Michael Clarke, Senior Research Fellow Griffith University, Dr Niklas Swanstrom, Director Institute of Security and Development Policy, Stockholm, Sweden and Andrew Small, Transatlantic Fellow German Marshall Fund of the United States. Dennis C. Shea and Katherine C. Tobin acted as chair and co-chair of the hearing commission respectively.

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