Reconciliation and Social Healing, Heela Najibullah, Springer, 2017, 232.


The book, Reconciliation and Social Healing, by Heela Najibullah is an analysis of past-Afghan reconciliation processes namely those in 1986 and 2010 but with particular focus on the Afghan National Reconciliation Policy, initiated by the author’s deceased father, Najibullah Ahmadzai, commonly known as Najibullah or Dr. Najib, who served as the President of Afghanistan from 1987 to 1992. The author talks about her father, Dr Najibullah’s sincere efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan by focusing on his regimes’ National Reconciliation Policy. The author states that the subject of her study is a personal account, and recounts the assassinations of her father and uncle, who were brutally hanged on September 27, 1996 by the Taliban. It continues to evoke the inner turmoil and memories of her past linked to her father, his assassination as well as his sincere efforts to bring about peace in Afghanistan.

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