The New Arab Wars: Uprisings and Anarchy in the Middle, Publisher: Public Affairs, New...
It is hard to identify the exact moment that the Muslim world cracked, provoking talk of a third world war. The exact date can...
Boaz Ganor, Global Alert: Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challenges to Liberal...
The founder and executive director of Israel's International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, offers a contemporary study of modern Islamist terrorism in Global Alert....
Rob de Wisk, “How China and Russia Reshape the World?” Amsterdam University Press, 2015....
Rob de Wisk suggests that the outcomes of the September 11 attacks have contributed to the acceleration of geo political changes and even to...
Harsh V. Pant and Yogesh Joshi, The US Pivot and Indian Foreign Policy: Asia’s...
The book revolves around the theme of rise of China and the relative decline in the US power causing transition of power in international...
Huhua Cao & Jeremy Paltiel (eds), Facing China as New Global Power Domestic and...
Today, China matters. The emerging China is no longer the old China. It is rising to unprecedented level that draws the attention of businessmen,...
The A. Q. Khan Network: Causes and Implications. Great Britain: Amazon, 2016.
In 1974, when India conducted its so called Peaceful Nuclear Explosion (PNE), Pakistan’s threat perception vis-à-vis India increased manifold. Pakistan’s desire to counter India...